Mano Poderosa All-Powerful Hand 19th Century Mexican Retablo de Augustin Barajas- "The Skimpy Painter"

$ 2,200.00
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  • Mano Poderosa All-Powerful Hand 19th Century Mexican Retablo de Augustin Barajas- "The Skimpy Painter"
  • The Mano Poderosa is an unusual Devotional Image whose Origins are still unknown. It is composed primarily of a disembodied hand, usually identified as the Hand of Jesus Christ, and perched on top of each finger are the figures of Jesus, Saint Joseph, Virgin Mary, Saint Joachim, and Saint Anne.
  • The All-Powerful Hand symbolizes the Wounded Hand of the Crucified Christ. On Its fingertips are representations of the Holy Family. 
  • Perched on the tips of the fingers of a detached hand, Christ appears flanked by His Parents and his Grandparents, Santa Anna and San Joachim. The symbol of the Hand, deriving from the European Cult of Saint Anne, also bears the Wound of the Stigmata in reference both to the Crucifixion and to the Life of Saint Francis; the Seven Lambs, drinking here from the Chalice of Christ's Blood, derive from the Book of Revelations.
  • What are the Seven Spirits of the Lamb?
    Seven Spirits of God: Including the Spirit of the Lord, and the Spirits of Wisdom, of Understanding, of Counsel, of Might, of Knowledge and of Fear of the LORD, Here are represented the Seven Spirits, which are before the Throne of God.
  • Retablo dimensions are approx. 16.75 inches vertical x 12.5 inches FRAMED; 14" x 10" unframed.