Morganite belongs to the same gemstone family as Emerald, Aquamarine, Golden Beryl and Bixbite. Among these Beryls, Morganite and the raspberry-red Bixbite are the rarest. In fact, Bixbite is only found in the state of Utah in the USA. Morganite is not quite as scarce, but still counts as a rare variety. There has been some attempt in the jewelry trade to change the name of Morganite to "pink Emerald." Some scientists attribute Morganite's color to traces of Manganese, while other sources attribute the color to the element Caesium. Morganite's color can vary soft pink to violet to salmon or peach. Morganite deposits are found in Afghanistan, Brazil, China, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Zimbabwe and the USA (California and Maine). Morganite in contemporary stone lore is associated with increasing calm and deeper meditative states.
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