Ewe Mami Wata Female Figure, Togo #910

$ 2,800.00 $ 1,400.00

  • Ewe Mami Wata Female Figure, Togo #910
  • The Ewe are a population of West Africa living mainly in the south-east of Ghana in the south of Togo where they are in the majority. They are also found in the southwest of Benin, the city of Notse in Togo is considered as the cradle of this people. Despite the influence of the so-called revealed religions, it is a people who always remain firmly rooted in its traditions, particularly in the worship of ancestors. They share with the Yoruba and the other people of the Gulf of Guinea the Voudou culture.
  • This is a beautiful representation of a woman, an illustrious ancestor of a family to whom offerings are made (small colas, food, etc.) so that she can protect the family from the hereafter.
  • Three images of the listing were taken "in situ" in the village where the  object was acquired, in particular in Tsévié, Togo.
  • Measurements:  29×11×6 cm
  • Condition: Good