Ametrine Necklace on Sterling Silver Chain with Sterling Silver Trigger Clasp

$ 68.00
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  • Ametrine Necklace on Sterling Silver Chain with Sterling Silver Trigger Clasp
  • Necklace Length: Approx 18 1/4"
  • Bead Size Approx. 13mm long x 10mm at widest
  • Ametrine is  a naturally occurring variety of quartz that combines both Amethyst and Citrine. Color zones of violet amethyst to golden yellow citrine are visible within Ametrine , and are due to differing oxidation states of iron within the crystal. The different oxidation states occur due to there being a temperature gradient across the crystal during its formation. Almost all Ametrine comes from Bolivia, although there are a few small pockets in India and Brazil.  It is believed in stone folklore to stimulate the intellect and banish negative energy.
  • Hand-crafted at Beads of Paradise NYC